Dachshund sleeping poses are most dramatic #dachshund #dachundpuppy #wienerdogs #sausagedogs #doxielove
❤️🩹❤️❣️🤍💗 Thank you 444d0lly from TikTok for the great video 🙏 follow her for more ⚠️ All rights® are reserved & belong to the photo/video owner Please send us your IG in DM if you aren't tagged ✌️ #sausagedog #fyp #foryoupage #dachshund#dachshunddaily #doglovers #dachshundsonly #daxie #doggo #wienerdogworld #puppies #minidachshundsofinstagram #dachshundlovers #teckellove #featuremydoxie #wienerdogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta #dachshundpuppies #longhaireddachshund #sausagedogs #petsofinstagram
Goodnight everyone 😘🌙 . . #dachshund #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshunds #dachshundoftheday #goodmorning #dogofinstagram #dogoftheday #petsofinstagram #petlovers #doxie #doxies #doxiesofinstagram #nycdogs #sausagedog #sausagedogs #sausagedogcentral #minidoxies #wienerdog #wienerdogsofinstagram #cute #love #minidoxie #dog #wiener #deckel #seniordog #minidachshundsofinstagram #seniordachshund #minidachshund — dachshundsofinstagram dachshund_club_usa truenorthrescuemission rescues_of_insta dogsofinstagram sausagedogcentral dachshundsofnyc petsofinstagram rescuedogsofnewyork
Any tips or help to start doing it outside the house?🙏🏾🐶 • 🎥 lolaaaateckel
Happy L❤️VE week everyone!! 🎂Today I’m wishing a very special Happy 15th Birthday to my beautiful bestie Maple the_doxiesquad #maplesquinceanera ❤️Joining • doggieglamsquad #doggieglamsquad • thedoxiedawgs #thedoxiedawgs sweetcherrypie.minidoodle #manicmondayswithcherry • aretha_queenofsoul #arethaslovetrain ❤️Beret madetopawty ❤️ code DAISYANDDIESEL10 ❤️ Valentine bow fourfluffymaltese #dogfashion #valentinesweek #valentines #loveweek #boydogs #fashiondogs #sausagedogs #doxies #dachshundlove
Lazy day for a cuddle puddle . . #bettiandmandi #bettithedachshund #mandithedachshund #dachshund #dachshundsrule #dachshunds #dachshundsofig #dachshundsofinstagram #sausagedog #sausagedogs #sausagedogcentral #sausagedogsofinstagram
How does it feel to be the chosen one?! 😉💘 #wienerdog #dachshund #wienerpuppy #sausagedogs #weeniedogsofinstagram #pupsofinsta #miniweenie #doxiecentral #dachshundpuppy #cutedachshund
How does it feel to be the chosen one?! 😉💘 #wienerdog #dachshund #wienerpuppy #sausagedogs #weeniedogsofinstagram #pupsofinsta #miniweenie #doxiecentral #dachshundpuppy #cutedachshund
Brave enough to watch me paint some wieners? 🌭🎨 Don’t worry, I mean sausage dogs (though that would be quite a departure). In honor of one of the best dogs our family ever had—Monty—The Happy Lab is rolling out a new collection of Dachshunds! Now live on Etsy. Link in bio! 💖 #sausagedogs #wienerdogsofinstagram #dachshunds #doggiftideas #processvideos #kelownabc
When all you need is a wiener dog . . . . Or 3 💜🩷 dozeofdvibe tag • Code OHWEEN Do you have a valentine yet? #wienerdogsofinstagram #sausagedogs #dachshund
おはようー今朝はあさんぽなく 昨日午後の様子です。 雪かきしてあっという間に ウッドデッキは乾いてきて はじめてごろろーんしたり 偉そうに周りを眺めるふう ナルはひとりお庭散策後、 ずうっとパパお膝で 一緒に外を眺めていました。 ふうは途中で下りた⤵️ ナルはもうお家に入ろう、と ドアに向かって歩き出しても 途中でくるん!と踵を返して またとことこ遊びに行ってしまう お庭大好き💕っ子になりました☺️ そしてすごく 匂いを嗅ぐようになりました。 #長野移住 #元繁殖犬 #元保護犬 #dachshund #sausagedogs #lovedoned
One can only dream 🤣🤣#horse #ponies #equine #equestrian #equestrianboys #boysridinghorses #dogs#sausagedogs#dachunds