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The Berrics
5 months ago
1 Minute Kickflip Challenge with @EricKoston - ⏰ #skateboarding #berrics #DoAKickflip
View on YouTubeThe Berrics
5 months ago
@LuanOlivieraMatriz breaking in his new shoe 👟… The LUAN Pro!! #skateboardingis #berrics #Cariuma
View on YouTube@WarioShaker 5 months ago
That shuvit into a nose grind was so clean it made environmentalists jealous
That shuvit into a nose grind was so clean it made environmentalists jealous
@Huitzili96 5 months ago
El mejor de todos los perro de esté mundooooo... Jajaja c':
¡Soy su ídolo y él es mi fan! 😅🤟🏽👽
El mejor de todos los perro de esté mundooooo... Jajaja c':
¡Soy su ídolo y él es mi fan! 😅🤟🏽👽
The Berrics
5 months ago
When the stage is set… 🌟🤩 #TimothyJohnson #Synergy #Skateboardingisfun #berrics
View on YouTube@robertojuarez4421 4 months ago
Videos don't show how big this stage is, to really understand it I invite u to Stand in front of this ledge, something else being there there vs just watching
Videos don't show how big this stage is, to really understand it I invite u to Stand in front of this ledge, something else being there there vs just watching
@helmutdschulnigg5798 5 months ago
OMG! That was one of the craziest Manny Combos i have ever seen. The nollie bigflip out was top notch.
OMG! That was one of the craziest Manny Combos i have ever seen. The nollie bigflip out was top notch.
The Berrics
5 months ago
Flawless Victory ⚔️ - @CodyCepeda in “Synergy” #nowplaying #skateboardingisfun #berrics
View on YouTubeThe Berrics
5 months ago
Raw 🥩 Files from #WeHadFun 📼 with #TylerPeterson ✔️. #skateboardingisfun #berrics #cariuma
View on YouTube@ToddMidnight 5 months ago
Whoever is filming is getting way too close. It makes it so we cant see the tricks properly. Its a shame
Whoever is filming is getting way too close. It makes it so we cant see the tricks properly. Its a shame
The Berrics
5 months ago
Raw Files 🗂️ from the “Synergy” video 📼. #TimothyJohnson #akateboardingisfun #berrics #cariuma
View on YouTubeThe Berrics
5 months ago
Spin cycle 🌪️ 🔄 @LeviLoeffelberger #WeHadFun #skateboarding #berrics #Cariuma
View on YouTubeThe Berrics
5 months ago
That’s how you end a video part! 📼 #TylerPeterson #skateboardingisfun #berrics #Cariuma
View on YouTube@ShockTheMonkey35 5 months ago
Switch bs 180 Salad-grind frontside flip out? If im wrong lmk whats right plz!
Switch bs 180 Salad-grind frontside flip out? If im wrong lmk whats right plz!
@ShockTheMonkey35 5 months ago
Fuckin love Tyler Peterson, he has such an INSANE trick arsenal, it's badass to see him putting insane combos like this together.....did he ride into that switch or is he goofy?
Fuckin love Tyler Peterson, he has such an INSANE trick arsenal, it's badass to see him putting insane combos like this together.....did he ride into that switch or is he goofy?
@dannystephens9056 5 months ago
These kids are getting better and better, my day we had 15 min top before the cops would come
These kids are getting better and better, my day we had 15 min top before the cops would come
The Berrics
5 months ago
SYNERGY: A skateboard video with Cody Cepeda and Timothy Johnson is LIVE 🔴. #skateboarding #berrics
View on YouTubeThe Berrics
5 months ago
SYNERGY: A skateboard video with Cody Cepeda and Timothy Johnson
Things just click when Battle at the Berrics champion, Cody Cepeda, and the king of Chicago, Timothy Johnson skate together. Friends since before either of them were sponsored, these two technical wizards take you on one of the most satisfying street skating journeys we've seen this year. Style, grace, cool and tricks that will blow your mind, welcome to SYNERGY, a skateboard video featuring Cody Cepeda and Timothy Johnson.
Subscribe to The Berrics:
The Berrics is one of the world's largest skateboarding media companies founded by professional skateboarders Steve Berra and Eric Koston in December of 2007 that covers skate news, video parts, contests, music, culture, and more. Berra + Eric = Berrics
With over 10,000 skateboarding videos under their belt, including Battle at The Berrics, Do A Kickflip and Life on Video, The Berrics is not only one of the most popular online platforms in skate culture but one of the most famous skate spots in the world. Tune in regularly to watch videos with @tonyhawk , @Prod84skate , @nyjah , Yuto Horigome, Rayssa Leal and many more.
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#Skateboarding #Berrics #TheBerrics #SkateboardingIsFun
View on YouTubeSubscribe to The Berrics:
The Berrics is one of the world's largest skateboarding media companies founded by professional skateboarders Steve Berra and Eric Koston in December of 2007 that covers skate news, video parts, contests, music, culture, and more. Berra + Eric = Berrics
With over 10,000 skateboarding videos under their belt, including Battle at The Berrics, Do A Kickflip and Life on Video, The Berrics is not only one of the most popular online platforms in skate culture but one of the most famous skate spots in the world. Tune in regularly to watch videos with @tonyhawk , @Prod84skate , @nyjah , Yuto Horigome, Rayssa Leal and many more.
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#Skateboarding #Berrics #TheBerrics #SkateboardingIsFun
@seanofbillings 6 days ago
what happened to the cody cepeda recruited video?!?! I was almost done with it
what happened to the cody cepeda recruited video?!?! I was almost done with it
@samaxeman123 2 weeks ago
come on back berrics, skating needs you. we all need you. the berrics was my daily motivation - seeing these athletes all at the top of their game giving it their all at the park was honestly so important to myself and many others.
come on back berrics, skating needs you. we all need you. the berrics was my daily motivation - seeing these athletes all at the top of their game giving it their all at the park was honestly so important to myself and many others.
@nixnistudio659 2 weeks ago
Wow. And that was the perfect ledge to do fs nose slide nollie flip. Just aesthetically perfect
Wow. And that was the perfect ledge to do fs nose slide nollie flip. Just aesthetically perfect
@fourshore502 3 weeks ago
ever tried using drones for filming? would be cool to fly around the skaters.
also, no new videos for 4 months? :(
ever tried using drones for filming? would be cool to fly around the skaters.
also, no new videos for 4 months? :(
@vtscll4 3 weeks ago
What the hell happened to berrics, no way it takes that long to build a new skatepark. Did the channel actually end?
What the hell happened to berrics, no way it takes that long to build a new skatepark. Did the channel actually end?
@curiouscrow4761 1 month ago
Absolute epic part for both guys, love seeing Cody bring new style to the table!
Absolute epic part for both guys, love seeing Cody bring new style to the table!
The Berrics
5 months ago
“If You’re Watching This, WE HAD FUN” A Skateboarding Film By Tyler & Levi is LIVE 🔴 #skateboarding
View on YouTubeThe Berrics
5 months ago
IF YOU'RE WATCHING THIS, WE HAD FUN. A skateboard video with Tyler and Levi.
This Title, the skating, and this entire video speaks for itself. Tyler Peterson and Levi Loffelberger having fun during their time with Cariuma. If you're watching this, you'll know it was fun.
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The Berrics is one of the world's largest skateboarding media companies founded by professional skateboarders Steve Berra and Eric Koston in December of 2007 that covers skate news, video parts, contests, music, culture, and more. Berra + Eric = Berrics
With over 10,000 skateboarding videos under their belt, including Battle at The Berrics, Do A Kickflip and Life on Video, The Berrics is not only one of the most popular online platforms in skate culture but one of the most famous skate spots in the world. Tune in regularly to watch videos with @tonyhawk , @Prod84skate , @nyjah , Yuto Horigome, Rayssa Leal and many more.
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#Skateboarding #Berrics #TheBerrics #SkateboardingIsFun
View on YouTubeSubscribe to The Berrics:
The Berrics is one of the world's largest skateboarding media companies founded by professional skateboarders Steve Berra and Eric Koston in December of 2007 that covers skate news, video parts, contests, music, culture, and more. Berra + Eric = Berrics
With over 10,000 skateboarding videos under their belt, including Battle at The Berrics, Do A Kickflip and Life on Video, The Berrics is not only one of the most popular online platforms in skate culture but one of the most famous skate spots in the world. Tune in regularly to watch videos with @tonyhawk , @Prod84skate , @nyjah , Yuto Horigome, Rayssa Leal and many more.
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#Skateboarding #Berrics #TheBerrics #SkateboardingIsFun
@berrics 5 months ago
Who would you add to the list of new faces that are coming up in skateboarding like Tyler and Levi?
Who would you add to the list of new faces that are coming up in skateboarding like Tyler and Levi?
@Cgralak944 2 weeks ago
There is definitely a lot of old-school skate-video vibes from this like others have said. Superb filming and editing. Definitely giving me vibes from back in 2006-2010.
There is definitely a lot of old-school skate-video vibes from this like others have said. Superb filming and editing. Definitely giving me vibes from back in 2006-2010.
@sk8hillzz 1 month ago
man are we so blessed to watch talent like Tyler get better and better every year. dude is a machine
man are we so blessed to watch talent like Tyler get better and better every year. dude is a machine
@ricardo_islam314 1 month ago
I’m soooo damn proud of you TY, literally watched you grow to be so damn insane. Proud of you Luh bro, much love from Ricardo. HMU when you’re back in St. Louis, i just got back into skating agin.
I’m soooo damn proud of you TY, literally watched you grow to be so damn insane. Proud of you Luh bro, much love from Ricardo. HMU when you’re back in St. Louis, i just got back into skating agin.
@johnthomas2877 2 months ago
It started out good then it turned completely DEMONIC! I'm not watching the rest I'm out!
It started out good then it turned completely DEMONIC! I'm not watching the rest I'm out!
@svante1994 4 months ago
Insane... Levi has always been insane. But I did not expect Tyler to be juat as good as his flat ground. Great style too. Reminds me a lot about Shane's perfection.
Insane... Levi has always been insane. But I did not expect Tyler to be juat as good as his flat ground. Great style too. Reminds me a lot about Shane's perfection.
The Berrics
6 months ago
Flip the Switch 💡- #CyGames X #BeckerDunn #skateboardingisfun #berrics
View on YouTube@christianthomas3850 6 months ago
This dude is from my area watched him growing up skating with all the instrument and absorb guys so glad to see he’s out here shredding for Ohio
This dude is from my area watched him growing up skating with all the instrument and absorb guys so glad to see he’s out here shredding for Ohio
The Berrics
6 months ago
@EricKoston at the Olympic Museum. #skateboardingisfun #berrics #olympics #paris2024 #roadtoparis
View on YouTubeThe Berrics
6 months ago
Eric Koston, The Olympic Museum and Rayssa, Nyjah & Yuto's board.
Join Eric Koston in this truly special piece as he explores the origin of the Olympics, the first Olympic flag, the flame that keeps on burning and Yuto, Nyjah and Rayssa’s boards encased in glass forever.
Subscribe to The Berrics:
The Berrics is one of the world's largest skateboarding media companies founded by professional skateboarders Steve Berra and Eric Koston in December of 2007 that covers skate news, video parts, contests, music, culture, and more. Berra + Eric = Berrics
With over 10,000 skateboarding videos under their belt, including Battle at The Berrics, Do A Kickflip and Life on Video, The Berrics is not only one of the most popular online platforms in skate culture but one of the most famous skate spots in the world. Tune in regularly to watch videos with @tonyhawk , @Prod84skate , @nyjah , Yuto Horigome, Rayssa Leal and many more.
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#Skateboarding #Berrics #TheBerrics #SkateboardingIsFun #yuto #rayssa #nyjahhuston #olympics #paris2024 #roadtoparis2024
View on YouTubeSubscribe to The Berrics:
The Berrics is one of the world's largest skateboarding media companies founded by professional skateboarders Steve Berra and Eric Koston in December of 2007 that covers skate news, video parts, contests, music, culture, and more. Berra + Eric = Berrics
With over 10,000 skateboarding videos under their belt, including Battle at The Berrics, Do A Kickflip and Life on Video, The Berrics is not only one of the most popular online platforms in skate culture but one of the most famous skate spots in the world. Tune in regularly to watch videos with @tonyhawk , @Prod84skate , @nyjah , Yuto Horigome, Rayssa Leal and many more.
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#Skateboarding #Berrics #TheBerrics #SkateboardingIsFun #yuto #rayssa #nyjahhuston #olympics #paris2024 #roadtoparis2024
@FlavourGang 2 months ago
Both gold medalists riding for April goes to show you how stacked that team is big ups to Shane for putting that together
Both gold medalists riding for April goes to show you how stacked that team is big ups to Shane for putting that together
@fresh-er8427 2 months ago
Yo! Froston.. Mr. Fandangle.. please come back to Girl!! Miss those 90’s shits!!
Yo! Froston.. Mr. Fandangle.. please come back to Girl!! Miss those 90’s shits!!
@salamanca871 5 months ago
The Lausanne Grandprix of 2002 was such a great event! I remember the massive Lakai prints all over the course. Good times travelling through the whole country to a part of Switzerland where they speak a different languague and sleeping on someone‘s appartment floor to see the very best riders that we only knew from the tapes. Legendary times - thx for taking me back!
The Lausanne Grandprix of 2002 was such a great event! I remember the massive Lakai prints all over the course. Good times travelling through the whole country to a part of Switzerland where they speak a different languague and sleeping on someone‘s appartment floor to see the very best riders that we only knew from the tapes. Legendary times - thx for taking me back!
@321skaater 6 months ago
What is going on with the berrics? Destroyed the park, bareley uploading vids . Update anyone?
What is going on with the berrics? Destroyed the park, bareley uploading vids . Update anyone?
@bufordclemente8375 6 months ago
How many medals would Koston have if skateboarding was in the Olympics during the 90’s early 2000’s????
How many medals would Koston have if skateboarding was in the Olympics during the 90’s early 2000’s????
@russelbuffalino1996 6 months ago
This video is insane!!! this is absolutely made by professionals! I AM SO AMAZED TO THE TEAM THAT CREATED THIS
This video is insane!!! this is absolutely made by professionals! I AM SO AMAZED TO THE TEAM THAT CREATED THIS
The Berrics
7 months ago
Only skateboarders would do this… #olympics #berrics #skateboarding 📲Matt Berger
View on YouTube@majorwest34 6 months ago
Well yeh there probably the only olympians with boards…..ahhhhhhhh thank you
Well yeh there probably the only olympians with boards…..ahhhhhhhh thank you
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I dont know if this guy has skated much.
He sounded like that guy from SpongeBob “MY LEG!”
It's so weird seeing Kosten old and still skating when I can still remember what he was going in the 90's.
Whats he holding onto the extra deck for?
Why on earth are baggy pants back in style?
good times